
Update: Migrate and organize your projects in a new way


We just launched a brand new feature that you might have seen in your project menu. With this new update, you can now move a project to an archive or a team folder.
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New Updates as below:
  1. Introduced a brand new Move button on a project view.
  2. Removed both Import My Project and Export My Project  on Team Page.
  3. The previous Archive/ Unarchive options are now integrated to be Move to Archive/Move into Active as drop-downs in a project moving workflow. 
  4. It will automatically create a copy on My Active Apps when moving a project to a team folder.
  5. The projects in your Team folder can't be moved into Your Active Apps unless you're the team creator.
To move a project: 
1. Click More Options on a project, then select Move
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2. Select a target location folder either Archive or a Team you've created or joined 
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3. Then Move it.

That's all for this week! Stay tuned for more updates to come! Happy prototyping!
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