
How to create an alert sheet in MockingBot?


In MockingBot there are three methods you can use to create an action sheet:

Method 1: Link the screens directly.
New create a screen from the original one, add up the new elements you need on it, create the screen relationship by linking the origin screen to the target page——the alert sheet directly.

Method 2 :Customize an alert sheet template

  • Create a new template ;
On screen 1, create a button named "login" ; On screen 2, drag the Alert combo, customize the text; Build the interaction relationship by adding the links and  create the interaction effect.

  • Drag the customized template into the workshop area, adjust the position,  adjust the links which fit your needs .
Method 3: Use state based animation feature 
If you're not familiar with this screen state feature, you can check out the tutotial: Animation with screen states to see more in detail.

In this case, above all , make all the components be added and organized on the global state screen. In this case, we create a box with ''Published successfully '' on it, adjust the background color and text color.

Then create a new state——state 2, set up the alert sheet invisible in default state and be visible in state 2.

Finally, link the two states together. Done.

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